#4: The 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong(Part 3)


Welcome to Episode 4 of Shift Happens Every Day!

This is Part 3 of our 4-part mini-series about The 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong. 

Last week, we talked about the different things that could be weighing you down, or holding you back, preventing you from moving forward and moving closer to your goals. We talked about why you should and how you can begin letting go of these things.

I hope that last week’s episode was an eye-opener and I hope that it helped in identifying what those dead weights are in your life, and that it was impactful enough to motivate you to start getting rid of certain things in your life.

So just a brief overview again of what the 4 points of our game plan are:

  • Point No.1 - Be grateful for everything you received last year.

  • Point No.2 - Let go of everything that’s weighing you down.

  • Point No.3 - Make space for what you’re asking to receive.

  • Point No.4 - Welcome change with grace and ease.

Today, we will talk about Point No.3:

Make space for what you’re asking to receive.

Enjoy listening and thank you so much again for being here! 

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Myla Saavedra

Writer, Entrepreneur, Educator, Mindset Coach & Funnel Expert.


#5: The 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong(Part 4)


#3: The 4-Point Plan for Starting the New Year Strong(Part 2)